Why, what's this??
A lovely handknit sock you're thinking . . . but that would not be correct.
It's a SECOND sock which means I have a PAIR of lovely handknit socks.
How long did it take to knit that Second sock, you're wondering?
Oh, two weeks? Nope.
Two months? Nope.
Six months? Nope.
Year? Nope.
Two Years? Quite possibly.
So long I don't even remember back that far. I found this knitting bag stashed somewhere and when I looked inside there was a sock and a half. This has to be one of my longest hanging around UFO's. If I haven't finished something by a certain period of time, I usually rip it back out and reuse the yarn.
And the best part of finishing this second sock - aside from a pair of lovely handknit socks -- is that I now had a pair of empty needles. What does one do with a pair of empty needles?
Immediately cast on, of course. Jitterbug yarn by Colinette and so far I love it.
Yarn on the finished pair? Not quite sure as the ball band was gone, but I would guess it's an Opal. Vintage Opal at that.
And to think I've been blaming my sister all this time for stealing my needles!