The longest day of the year! School has been out about a month now which means I'm not working and have fully slipped into summer mode. So what does one do in summer mode?
Just finished reading A Visit from The Goon Squad. Entertaining read but I'm not sure I get the Pulitzer Prize winning part. Today I started Ten Thousand Saints.
Blueberry mojitas! We used a recipe similar to this one with a few modifications. To this recipe, we also added Stoli Blueberry and mulled a few blueberries in with the mint and sugar. Cool and refreshing! I figure it must be healthy too with all those blueberries!
Way too many hours of my time glued to the Casey Anthony trial on TV. This is local news to us here so all the local TV stations show it, uninterrupted, all day long. Watching the legal proceedings has been fascinating. Judge Perry is my hero. Honestly, I would invite him to dinner but I think he's probably way too busy right now for dinner invitations! I wonder if he likes blueberry mojitas.
The new fabric lines that are hitting the stores like Prince Charming, 1001 Peeps, Coastal (coming soon), and so many many more. . . . . Must finish a project or two so I can decide which one to order first.
About the moronic sewing mistake I made not once but twice. Not only was the mistake stupid (twice) but I used up (as in wasted) a ton of fabric.
It would rain!
About the black snake that has trapped itself on my enclosed screen porch right now. I know he's harmless but that doesn't mean I want to be the one escorting him out the door.
What are you doing with your summer?